Friday, December 17, 2010

The Journey

Brave men often find themselves on journeys throughout foreign lands.  They put themselves in unfamiliar situations to test their true identities, for it is only couture for every man to know what lies deep within his blood.  Dangerous, some travels may be; others may be filled with excitement and joy.  Through my many years of being a man, it seems that all travels have their tough times.  So on to the story. 

Day 1:
A crew of Motley men hit the open road in search for their true inner selves.  All departing from different locations, they come together at the same junction before it all begins.  They meet on a Monday afternoon.  They sky is gray as if the world was colored in black and white.  Just the way they prefer.  The first night is an interesting one to say the least.  They enter into a vintage pub, secretly disguised as a post office.  People are gathered for some type of event.  The men seem to be out of place, for faces did not look familiar or friendly.  Everyone seemed to be hiding something, almost like they were wearing a form of camouflage to protect their inner selves.  For these people were not true men.  Impostors of the human race, existing only to blemish society.  The men move through the crowd as if there were predetermined lanes for them to travel on.  To their slight surprise, they approach acquaintances.  Gladly to see the shining faces, the men do not feel as if they are being challenged.  Throughout that night, the men enjoy the dancing and fellowship with old friends.  The crew has had a solid first night, only to arise to greet a better day.

Day 2:
Day two starts out on the right foot, for the left was numb due to the cold temperatures.  They all arise to travel toward their next destination when an unexpected visitor arrives.  A creature by the name of Budrow comes to introduce himself to the men.  The men immediately grow fond of the creature and decide to let him in on their great journey.  Budrow is astonished, wanting to know more of the experienced group of scholarly fellows, but they must keep going.  Realizing that the trip needs to continue without any hesitation, they depart.  They are on their way to a place where the woods are green and the land lay flat on their back without any turning.  Arriving slightly after schedule, the men begin to listen to their stomachs.  They need food.  Off they go to a small place where Indians still roam and create an environment that is "your place to shine".  They are not sure where to go because they must find the lost dog to tell them where they are going.  In route, they find the lost dog, and he stands at point in the correct direction.  The dog did not lead them astray, the men were completely satisfied with what the dog had to offer.  After doing business with the dog, the men were useless.  They night eventually came to a close, ending with bed time stories from Luvell.  The crew must rest well,  for the next day would be their last.

Day 3:
Awake and ready to go, the men are anxiously waiting.  One may ask why they are waiting, it is due to the lack of preparedness by one member of the group.  The group is a tight one, they travel together like a pack of wolves, depending on one another for their own guidance.  The one arrives, and off they go.  Traveling away from the shadowy dusk toward the bright lights.  A place mentioned in music, a place where success is mandatory, and most importantly a place where Grizzlies roam.  The men were prepared to tackle the town head on.  And they did just that.  Arriving into the town, they are greeted warmly be the infamous Reeders.  Hospitality is a thing of beauty.  As if they were entering into their own homes, the crew felt comfortable.  Even though it was nice to catch a breath, they were forced to quickly prepare for the confident Grizz Nation.  The Grizz had won their past three battles, and were not looking to go down easy.  About to begin something of epic proportion, news travels to the men.  Bobcats that were traveling through attacked the powerful Grizzlies.  The men, without reasoning, acted quickly to help hold off the slashing attack by the Bobcats.  With the men's help, the Grizz protected their area once again.  The two groups seemed to join together in a understood bond with a backbone of respect.  The two left as alliances. 

The men were exposed in many different ways during their journey.  At times, the men struggled to retain their swagger, but they never completely let go.  Every one of these men came away a victor.  Separating in their different paths, the men leave each other for now.  For each man experienced different struggles, but they all came away with one strong similarity.  That similarity is summed up in one word, one word to describe them all, one word to give them all a sense of relation.  That word is brothership.  I am sure a journey is searching for these men, trying to displace them from their thrones, and the men will be anxiously waiting.

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